Dear members of the Asociación Galega de Ciencia Rexional (AGCR): on behalf of the new governing board that I preside, I would like to give you a warm welcome and briefly present the guidelines that will guide our work plan in the coming years.
We live in a difficult time for our association, with a continued decline in the number of members. As the governing board, our first task is to try to revitalize the role of the association in the Galician scientific community, with the aim of recovering the number of members that the AGCR had in previous decades. To do this, it is necessary that membership of the AGCR is seen by members as a way of accessing valuable resources for research in regional science, either through the Meeting of Regional Studies, the journal Investigaciones Regionales or participation in the different activities that are organized. Thus, we set ourselves the priority tasks of putting the AGCR in the spotlight of the academic community, the press and political institutions, so that regional science, and the Association, are present on the agendas of all these groups.
We encourage you to collaborate and participate in all the activities that are organized. We are totally open to the suggestions and proposals that the associated people wish to make. In short, it is about all of us being able to relaunch the role of our beloved AGCR and put it in the place it deserves.
We look forward to seeing you!
Roberto Bande
President, AGCR