Welcome from the President


Welcome to the website of the Galician Association of Science Rexional (AGCR). This page is intended as a contact between the Association and all those interested in the broad topic covering Regional Science. Our Association, framed as territorial headquarters within the Spanish Association of Regional Science (AECR), is the product of a long tradition of regional studies in Galicia, and is the fundamental rationale of providing a forum for meeting and collaboration of Regional Science numerous specialists who perform their activity within our region. They not only participate in the activities of the AECR, but many of them also work with our Portuguese colleagues of the Portuguese Association for Regional or Desenvolvimento (APDR). AGCR’s activities include lectures, seminars, workshops and conferences on topics of interest from the perspective of Regional Science, of which shall report through this website. In the near future we hope to further consolidate a scientific meeting on a regular basis to serve as reference for the present regional specialists in both universities in Galicia and in the professional and in government. It is noteworthy that the AGCR commitment shows in all its activities to print them a distinctly interdisciplinary. On behalf of the Board and on my own behalf, I invite you to participate in this forum to exchange ideas.

Roberto Bande Ramudo
President of the AGCR